About One Step Joinery - providing joinery services in Wiltshire for over 25 years
One Step Joinery specialises in the manufacture and installation of purpose-made woodwork, specifically staircases, doors and windows, although as you might expect, all types of joinery can be undertaken. The business typically serves customers in Swindon, Marlborough, Hungerford, Cirencester, Lechlade, Cricklade and the Southern Cotswolds.
One Step Joinery is a longstanding partnership between Mark Foster, a highly skilled craftsman, and Graham Crawshaw, who adds commercial support and expertise as a purchasing specialist. Mark and Graham are both qualified in their respective fields, and this combination of practical skills and business acumen has proved a winning formula.
The business first started trading from a start-up unit situated in Swindon's old railways buildings: the Great Western Enterprise Centre. The business grew steadily, and in 1999 became a limited company with Mark and Graham as directors. With this growth, space in which to work became tight and meant that in 2004, relocation was inevitable. A new, 3,000 sq ft, purpose-designed workshop on Techno Trading Estate, Swindon, became the firm's new home.
Fluctuations in the capacity of the building industry to ride out the peaks and troughs imposed by economic variables does bring its challenges; however, the ability of One Step Joinery to provide cost effective, high quality joinery services in Swindon has been steadfast throughout.